報告題目:Polymer Designer for High-Performance and Mechanical-Robust All-Polymer Solar Cells
報 告 人:Assoc. Prof. Bumjoon Kim
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea
Ph.D., University of California at Santa Barbara
B. S. Seoul National University, Korea
Non-ideal bulk-heterojunction morphology (BHJ) of all-polymer solar cells (all-PSCs), i.e., large-scale polymer domain size, reduced ordering of polymer chains, is one of the critical hurdles for producing efficient all-PSCs. To address this issue, we focused on developing the correlation between the polymer microstructure, BHJ morphology and the photovoltaic properties of high performance all-PSCs. As model systems of modulating the molecular weight and the alkyl side chain of polymers, the polymer microstructure and the BHJ blend morphology of all-PSCs are systematically controlled, and thereby we produced high-performance all-PSCs system with 6.7% efficiency, which is the highest value reported to date. More importantly, our all-PSCs exhibited dramatically enhanced strength and flexibility compared with polymer/PCBM devices, with 60x and 470x improvements in elongation at break and toughness, respectively. The superior mechanical properties of all-PSCs afford greater tolerance to severe deformations than conventional polymer-fullerene solar cells, making them much better candidates for applications in flexible and portable devices.