澳大利亞昆士蘭大學余承忠(Michael Yu)教授做客第296期化苑講壇
報告題目:Nanoparticles for Delivery
報 告 人 :余承忠(Michael Yu)教授
邀 請 人 :朱錦濤教授
Prof. Yu is a chemist and materials scientist in functional nanostructured composites and their applications. Since 2000, he has published over 250 peer-reviewed journal articles, which have been cited over 15,000 times and resulted in an H-index of 61. He has developed broad industrial collaborations to extend the applications of functional materials in a real world. He has received several awards including the Le Févre Memorial Prize from the Australian Academy of Science, the ARC Future Fellowship, and the Second prize of the National Science Award of China (3/5).
Rationally designed nanomaterials hold great promise as next-generation drug delivery systems. Over the years we have developed skillsets in nanoparticle design, characterization and understanding of the relationship between nanoparticle structure and delivery performance. We have prepared engineered nanoparticles with adjustable compositions and structures for various drug delivery applications. In this presentation we will answer to three questions: where to deliver, what to deliver, and why nanoparticles? Highlights will be given to applications for animal healthcare. Our research in other areas and the University of Queensland will be briefly introduced to promote collaborations.